How to get better in CS:GO

The desire to develop and expand your horizons is something human, as everyone would like to be good at something. It’s no different on the Counter-Strike scene. Nobody will deny that there is a moment in the life of every player in which he asks himself how to get better in CS:GO.


Introduction to getting better

If you feel that you are interested in something, you start to think how to become the best in this matter. And there is nothing surprising in this because in the world we live in, rivalry and the desire to improve skill are commonplace.

There are several factors that contribute to becoming good, better and ultimately the best (and it is impossible to predict in advance what you will achieve on the CS:GO scene).

Everything depends on you – from your dedication and willingness and your in-game predispositions. Some are simply not made to play at the highest level and they may never be able to play as a pro.

We have great news! Fortunately, you do not belong to this group because you have one very important feature – you take action, i.e. you just started looking for a way and for a solution on how to play better. This means that you already have at least one thing that not everyone has – willingness to be better than the rest!




Why do you want to become better?

If you want to play better, at the very beginning you have to ask yourself why you want to be better and what exactly playing at a higher level will give you.

Some would like to show up in front of their colleagues and want to stick the Global Elite to show off at school.

Some do not like to be the last and think about personal development in any field.

Others are passionate about games and believe that career as CS:GO pro are what they want to do in life.

So what is your purpose?



Improving at CS:GO begins with improving mind

It may seem ridiculous to you and you can believe it or not, but there is a lot of research about the influence of the subconscious mind and the mind on success and whether you can achieve something or not.

In short, to become better in CS:GO, you must first improve your mind!


Think like a pro

We know… we live in 2018 and everything is done digitally, but to get started, take an ordinary sheet of paper and a pen in your hand. At the very top of the paper, write your nickname and draw something next to it that in your opinion means ‘strength’ – something like a symbol or a sign.

In the middle, write “I want to get better because …” and draw arrows around this sentence. Each arrow is one reason why you want to play better.

Do not hurry, do not write anything without thinking first! Open your mind and think about the most important reasons.



When you are done, read again what you have written and realize that this is how a new chapter begins in your life. This piece of paper has no material value, but it has a huge psychic value. You have to trust us!

If you have the option, you can hang it on the wall behind the monitor, or simply fold it and place it next to the keyboard.

Before each game and match, pull out your sheet of paper and read a few times what you wrote. Do the same at any time of doubt or anger – get into your head why you want to be better and why you deserve it!


Deal with CS:GO toxicity

Another important thing is to focus on yourself and stop looking at others. “Go leave, noob!”, “Stop playing, u are so bad”, “WTF, get better, go on some dm” – sounds familiar?

Unfortunately, a large part of the Counter-Strike community is very toxic and to be honest it’s hard to change, so you have to cut it off!

To improve your game, you just have to focus your attention on yourself, because you know that you are trying to play better and you do not need someone to remind you of it.

No matter what happens, ignore the words of others and do not suggest them. They do not know you, that’s why they start to judge you – such people do not have the courage to evaluate friends in real life, and therefore they evaluate you through the prism of one action or match to feel better.

If you can focus on your goal (=becoming the best) and not on the opinions of others, you have achieved half the success.


Forget previous rounds

Although sometimes we would like to turn back time to change and improve something, we cannot. There is no more stupid way to lose potential than thinking about the past – if you think about the past, you can not think about the future, right?

And the future should be your number one goal, not only in becoming better in CS:GO, but generally in life.

Every time someone makes a mistake, comfort him and forget it! If during the match for 5 consecutive rounds you will be thinking about a mistake that caused losing 1 round, you will automatically lose the next ones.

Always focus on what is at the moment, not on what happened a few minutes earlier – you will not become good thanks to this, you will not turn back time, just carpe diem! You can win every game if you stop thinking about the past.

This does not mean, however, that you should completely forget about your mistakes. On the contrary! Start drawing conclusions from what you do.

We will say more – make as many mistakes as possible, but never get used to them! Always think what to change to never make the same mistake twice. In this way, you gain experience, improve your game and start to understand how to work better and more effectively.



Try harder to play better

To become better in CS:GO, you have to start training hard. Even when you fully embrace your mind and throw away negative thoughts from it, you will not be the best player on the server.

You have to play, play and once again play! You need to learn how to shoot, how to aim better and begin to understand the basics of the game.

It is possible that you think that this is the most difficult part of this article, and that nobody but professional teams knows how to deal with it. That’s wrong!

We live in the 21st century, in which we have enormous access to information and other resources.

It must be clearly stated that an important principle in becoming better is not to waste time. You can train a month, half a year or two years and never reach a high level or even fall even lower. This means that your way of training and approach was bad, and you only lost time.

Do not worry if you do not know how to effectively practice to be able to play at the highest level. Everyone started from scratch, and we’re here to help you!

Our history with Counter-Strike began a dozen years ago – still in CS 1.6. We have devoted the last 3 years to this project and created training plans, which were used by hundreds of thousands of Counter-Strike players (and this number is still growing).

We have always wanted to change the world for the better, and this project is a brick in pursuit of this goal.

Before you ask if it’s free, we’ll answer: yes! We offer both a fully free and paid premium training plan. If you do not want to spend money, the free version is a good basis to start getting better.


Premium costs only € 1.99 and offers you access to an advanced, all-in-one course that will help you improve your game and start dominating your opponents within 40 days! You pay once, and enjoy lifetime access to our premium section, along with amazing support from CS:GO enthusiasts.

In other words: you buy us coffee, and we support your new e-sport career.


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    Project & content manager @ (yes, I'm the guy responsible for what lands on this website). Living in papitoLand, playing Counter-Strike since CS 1.5, trying to change the world with small great things.
    • This is awesome, it was a happy surprise to see the updated website. Love where you guys are taking things, keep it coming!

    • I like to read such articles very much!!
      I didnt know about certain things and I’m happy that I found this website now – will give it a try 😉

    • Wow sick work on the new website, about time it got updated. I’ve always been using your free training plan has made me a more better and dedicated player. Keep up the good work guys!

    • i trained using the basic course and sharpened my mind. After a few days, i can feel myself improving. I was playing comp in office map, and we were 0-7 down. I thought about why i want to get better and our team came back from0-7 to 16-14

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